It’s a rare workplace that doesn’t include representatives of 3 or even 4 generations – ‘Boomers’, Gen-Xers, Gen-Yers and sometimes ‘traditionals’. And it is often the case that generational differences are the source of some friction. These differences, while very real, don’t have to be the source of unproductive tensions. As with all differences, the key is for everyone to understand and accept ways in which each of us sees the world differently.
Despite the differences, there are many things that people of all ages share with respect to what motivates them to do their best work. In the research we have done over the past two decades, we have found that the vast majority of individuals, regardless of many differences, agree that when the following qualities are present, they are motivated to put forth their very best efforts:
With these things in mind, employers can do well to put in place practices that assure the presence of all of the above, including: